Juice cure: With these tips you can cleanse your colon Skip to content

Juice cure: How to cleanse your colon with juice

You've probably heard that juice cleanses can have a number of positive effects on your body. They can help you change your lifestyle and give you more energy. At the same time, juice fasting can also help you cleanse your colon and have a positive effect on your digestion in the long term.

In this article, you will learn how a juice cleanse works and how it can help you cleanse your colon. At the same time, we will summarize other advantages and explain to you who juice fasting is particularly suitable for. We will also introduce you to the natural juices from Bergblut.

How does a successful juice cleanse work?

During a juice cleanse, you abstain from solid food for a few days and instead drink several natural juices a day.

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How do juice diets help with colon cleansing?

Juice diets help with intestinal cleansing because they can stimulate the body's natural cleansing processes.

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What are other benefits of juice fasting?

Juice fasting can have a positive effect on your sleep and help you change your eating habits.

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Who is a juice cleanse suitable for?

A juice cleanse is suitable for all people who want to change their lifestyle habits or do something good for their body.

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How does a successful juice cleanse work?

The process of a juice cleanse is pretty easy to explain: you go without solid food for a few days. Instead, you drink fresh juices that should only consist of fruit and vegetables. What sounds so simple in theory can raise a lot of questions in practice. That's why you should plan your first juice cleanse very carefully.

First, ask yourself how long you want to do the juice cleanse. To start with, we recommend one to two days. Then you can slowly increase the duration and fast for three to seven days. It is important that you only actually consume the juices during your cleanse - because then the effect can be best achieved.

If you are very hungry, you can also drink unsweetened vegetable broth or natural soups without additives. This is particularly advisable for longer juice diets.

Once you have decided on the duration of your juice cleanse, you need to get the right juices. For the cleanse to be successful, the juices must only contain fresh fruit and vegetables. They must be sugar-free and should not contain any additives or preservatives.

By avoiding sugar, your body's natural cleansing processes can be activated and a reset can begin. However, this only works if you stay away from sweet smoothies and drink natural juices instead.

You can find the right fruit and vegetable juices at Bergblut. Our organic juices consist exclusively of natural ingredients: We press fruit and vegetables. Nothing else goes into our juices. This means they can ideally support you in your dietary change and improve your well-being in the long term. Discover our practical juice cures now!

organic juice cure for your colon cleansing

Our juices consist of 100% natural ingredients from organic farming. They are processed gently and taste really delicious.

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How do juice diets help with colon cleansing?

Many people have developed unhealthy lifestyle habits. They eat fast food, drink sugary drinks and do not exercise enough. In the long term, this can have negative effects on the body, especially on digestion.

That's why it can be helpful to start a colon cleanse with the juice cleanse. Because you're going without food and therefore also without harmful substances for several days, your colon can regenerate and recover from your bad lifestyle habits. Studies have shown that its mucous membrane can renew itself and inflammation can be reduced when you fast.

So if you want to do a juice cleanse for your intestines, you should consider a few aspects. If possible, the juice fast should last at least two days so that your intestines can regenerate. At the same time, you should pay particular attention to ensuring that the juices do not contain any additives that could interfere with this regeneration.

At the same time, we recommend that you drink enough fluids. In addition to the juices, you should drink plenty of water. However, avoid caffeine or nicotine, as these substances can interfere with your juice diet.

Is diarrhea normal after a juice cleanse?

People with digestive problems or regular diarrhea can do a juice cleanse. It's best to discuss this with your doctor beforehand. Many people report that they have diarrhea during and after the juice cleanse. This is because your body's natural cleansing processes have been set in motion. Your intestines have begun to regenerate. This can be accompanied by digestive problems, but will probably have a long-term positive effect on your body.

What are other benefits of juice fasting?

Colon cleansing is just one of the benefits of a juice cleanse. If you avoid solid meals, sugar and additives for several days, this will not only affect your digestion. Juice cleanses are said to have other benefits:


Changing your diet:

You just can't manage to change your diet? You can't give up sweets and fast food? Then a juice cleanse can help you to finally make this change. During the cleanse, you only drink the natural juices - afterwards, it might be easier for you to eat healthily. And all without dieting!

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Absorption of nutrients:

Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins. One portion of juice can therefore contain numerous nutrients and vitamins. This way, you supply your body with many important substances that you may have previously been lacking.

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Improving sleep quality:

During a juice cleanse, you relieve your digestive tract and consume lots of nutrients. Many fans of juice cleanses report that this has a positive effect on their sleep. You could wake up more refreshed and start the new day feeling fit.

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Increase your well-being:

Many people see juice fasting as a type of detox for their bodies. Breaking bad habits and eating healthy instead can improve your overall well-being in the long run. You may have more energy and feel more rested.

Juice cleanses are supposed to relieve the body and have a positive effect on various areas of your life. They are even said to be able to help you lose weight and initiate a reset for your body. You will certainly notice that your body feels different during a juice cleanse. Be aware of these experiences: This way you can benefit from the juice cleanse in the long term.

More energy & diet: Who is a juice cleanse suitable for?

Can you imagine doing your own juice cleanse? Many people can benefit from such a cleanse. Basically, juice fasting is suitable for almost everyone. It doesn't matter whether you want to change your eating habits or feel fitter in everyday life - juice fasting can help you. Juice cleanses can also help cleanse the intestines and support the natural regeneration of your intestines.

Additionally, many people who want to lose weight go on a juice cleanse. Fasting can help you achieve your desired weight loss and help you develop better habits.

If you are suffering from health problems, you should definitely check with your doctor beforehand whether a juice cleanse is advisable for you. If you are pregnant, you should not do a juice cleanse. Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid juice fasting.

Start your juice cleanse with the juices from Bergblut

If you want to try a juice cleanse yourself, then one point is particularly crucial: the choice of juices. For a juice cleanse, they should be free of additives, sugar and preservatives. You can order the right juices directly from Bergblut.

Our juices are certified organic. All ingredients are 100% organically grown. At the same time, we make sure to source our ingredients from local suppliers wherever possible and keep transport routes short.

They are also cold-pressed: This means that liquid is pressed out of the fruit and vegetables using hydraulic pressure. Enzymes and nutrients are not damaged by the gentle juicing and find their way directly into our bottles. This means that the ingredients retain their health-promoting properties.

You're probably wondering what fruits and vegetables our juices are made of. Our fruits include apple, pineapple, lemon, pink grapefruit and orange. Our vegetable juices include spinach, zucchini, carrot, ginger, celery and beetroot.

During the juice cleanse for your colon, you drink six juices of 330 milliliters each throughout the day. That makes almost two liters of juice. You should also drink a lot of water - unsweetened tea is also good for meeting your fluid needs.

With Bergblut juices, you don't have to buy a juicer and prepare your own juices: This is not only time-consuming, but will also cause a lot of chaos in your kitchen. That's why you can buy a practical set from us. When you buy, you get all six 330 ml juices that you need for a day of juice fasting. You don't have to worry about anything and can start your juice cleanse straight away.

Of course, we also offer these sets for longer juice cleanses - so you are optimally supplied with every juice cleanse. Find the right juice cleanse now!

Frequently asked questions about detoxification with a juice cleanse

Juice diets are said to have many different effects. Such a "detox diet" is said to detoxify the liver, improve the intestinal flora and stimulate the metabolism. The many different types of fruit and vegetables that you consume in the form of juice also contain numerous vitamins and nutrients.

During a juice cleanse, you should avoid solid food. You should not consume sugar, fats or additives for the duration of the cleanse. Nicotine and coffee are also taboo during a juice fast, as they could disrupt the body's own cleansing processes. If you only drink juice for several days, you should definitely drink enough fluids.

Yes, juice fasting can help you lose weight. If you only drink juices, you will consume around 830 calories a day, depending on the diet. If you want to lose a few pounds permanently, exercise and a long-term change in diet obviously also play an important role. However, this type of fasting can help you develop healthier eating habits.

Conclusion: Avoid solid food & let yourself be convinced by juice fasting

If you want to start a colon cleanse with a juice cleanse, you should definitely choose suitable juices. Many products contain large amounts of sugar or are enriched with additives - this means that your juice cleanse will not be successful and will not have a positive effect on your colon.

That's why we at Bergblut rely entirely on natural ingredients. We source our fruit and vegetables from organic farming. After gentle cold pressing, they are processed into our delicious juices without additives, preservatives or sugar. Try them now and start your colon cleansing with a juice cleanse soon!

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